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Weekend Vitality

It was a fun day for bb as it's been a while since we brought him to Kidzsport and gym. He was like wild goose running loose in the fun land. He shooed other kids away who was blocking his way at the big steep slide. He Jumped up and down in the pool of color balls; and he threw balls out of them too. Luckily they were no sign of “NO BALLS TROWING”.

1. bb took his first slide with papa. 2.Eating ice cream with abang behind him...

He met his friend “Abang”, our neighbor's youngest son, a fat and cute lil 5 yr old whom the mother sent to drama class to loose weight in Kidzport.

Bb was so energetic that I couldn't cope as I was feeling very chilly and flu-e plus the peeling on my face.(Trying on new product recommended by Zara's mama) My face was all reddish like tomato. We forced him out of the evil land after 3 hours and went for a quick grocery shopping. He was so hungry so I settled him with some nuggets and a Sundae cone from McD. He also gulped down one whole bottle of water after the intensive running.

He slept at 8pm that night and only woke up the next morning at about 9am. He must have been so tired. Hah HAH!

I didn't send him to Gymboree that morning. I think he had enough of running the day before. We watched Barney at home instead.

1. manja cry... 2. Do I look like "kwang Liang" the singer? or better with sexy body?

He was very “manja” the entire day, wanted me all the time. In the afternoon, he played with his puzzle. He put together Mr. Balloon, balls, dog, banana, frog, butterfly and etc.

puzzle anyone?

At night before he slept I put on a diaper for him and he said he wanted to poo. So okay, while waiting I read him the story of “Three Little pigs”. After the story he said “Not Yet”, so I waited again while lying him down. He was very sleepy and eyes half closed. I smelt his diaper with poop in it and told him I got to wash him, he cried sadly refusing me to strip him and he uttered “Not Yet”.

poor boy pooing...

Oh poor boy! I put him down to the mattress beside our bed because he was smelly. *I was a bad mommy, and took a photo of him*. OH….he was going to sleep, I talked to him telling him I was sorry to take off his pants just now, and I love him and please forgive me. He replied softly“okay”. I repeated 4 times. He replied 4 times too.

I moved slowly over to his body and pulled down his pants. I wiped him with wet wipes and powdered him. That's the best I could do. Oh…good night bb, mommy loves you very much.


Egghead said…
so good boy... learn how to forgive at such a tender age!
ZMM said…
BB doesn't use the potty? Zara prefers to poo standing up in her diaper.

3hrs in Kidsports.. Wow.. no more energy left for him loh after that.

You started using #4 that's why become red tomatto? For both morning and night? I only use #4 at night..
mom2ashley said…
ai yo...poor boy...he must have been sooooooo tired he didn't even mind the poo hor...
mom2ashley said…
ai yo...poor boy...he must have been sooooooo tired he didn't even mind the poo hor...
blinka.Li said…
oh first 2 pix he looks very much like QiangQiang
and yes the following pix he does look like kuang liang! :P
geeth said…
He must have been real tired after all that running. But I guess its good..

I also will tell Champion I am sorry I have to undress him into his pyjama if he is so sleepy. Otherwise, he will be grumpy. Then, he will even be helpful and extend his arms and legs so that he can get into bed faster..
Contented Mum said…
His smile is so gorgeous in first pic, sliding down! Such forgiving boy, really melt your heart isn't it!
Allyfeel said…
kids are smart. I love him for that.

zara's mama,
bb likes to poo standing up too. :P I have yet to buy a musical potty to train him. He is stubborn in this case.

I only use no. 4 at night. My face is slightly towards the sensitive type. My boss commented "lu eh bin siang ka kui" (hokkien). Heartache!

Ya lor, I felt sorry for him. Still do. :(,
Come to look at it twice he does look like Chiang with that shallow dimple. :)

ya...I noticed he behave better if I apologize to him for offending him. They also know thier right huh?

contented mum,
yes! I am sure it will melt urs too if Qi ning does that to u. :P
jazzmint said…
hehe funfilled weekend for everyone :)..

hey seriously he looks like guang liang :P..any relationship ah
Allyfeel said…
guang liang is my brother my dream. haha!

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