The other day, hubby came home and asked me the following: Hubs: Do you know what animal on earth is the stingiest (Stingy- kiam siap in Hokkien) creature? Me: Err…dun know la…what? Hubs: Dun know meh, think la… Me: Err…still dun know Hubs: It’s horse lor Me: Why eh? Hubs: Because when they run, it sounds like (Kedekut, kedekut, kedekut- Malay) Me: Hahaha! Lidat also can.
I alway amaze and envious to peoples who has creative mind. Me, don't have any!
Wow wow wow.. I'm impressed!
envy envy creative ppl :)
ya lor I know. Just for fun mah, already created.
Thanks! Everyone has creative mind, I see ur photos very creatively done what. :)
Thanks! Actually it get published in the creative Post card club website and may be later in books or T.shirt. It's more like a hobby.
zara's mama,
yes, Wow me! heh heh!
Contented mum,,
Ya, Thanks for the suggestions. Hah hah If the time is right, may be can sell hor?
ya, I find pleasure doing it, thanks! :)
two little fellas,
I went to art college la last time. Now, I do it for hobby only. :P
Thanks! :P Am I very hard working? Hah Hah.
No la, I don't do freelance. It's for leisure and hobby only. You collected a lot of stuffs arr? :)
king's wife,
Thanks! I wish I am as creative as you. :PpP