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Showing posts with the label Jing-Si Aphorisms

Thought of the day with Jing-Si Aphorisms

I believe with discipline, even five dollars a day could slowly accumulate to a mountain high savings. Time is precious for me now. I have to juggle between two kids and other worries. I can't waste anymore times. Ooops! My girl is making so much noise now. Got to go.

Thought of the day with Jing-Si Aphorisms

Yea, some of our human mind is very rotten. It's disheartening to find girls age 6-8 being sexually assulted and killed. And now we are told to teach our daughter not to trust even teachers and relatives. We indeed must Cleanse the human mind.

Jing-Si Aphorisms

Doing good deeds brings great blessings. It reminds me of I haven't done any good deeds recently.

Jing-Si Aphorisms

Today's Jing-Si Aphorisms

I got this from one of my email subscription. It's Jing-Si Aphorisms by Master Cheng Yen. Find out more here - . They are constantly looking for volunteers to help carried out task to help the needed. How many of us are able to practice the written phrase in our daily life?