Well, well, well, the Chinese new year is almost over. How did you spend yours? Mine was like food, FOod, FOOD and plenty of visiting, chit-chatting, catching up with old friends. Of coz not forgetting lots of angpaos, I mean me giving out. ;) After married ar, the only angpao I got are from hubby, mom, dad, in laws and grandma. I save all of em, hehe...me very thrifty one. Oh yea, do you still remember the sleepy BB video last year? I have got one of a similar one this year. Bb was like so sleepy while waiting for his daddy to grab him a lion head from Petaling street. Since then, daddy and me was force to be the lion while the lil one bangging on his drum. Grrr....so tiring. Mommy, stop laughing...Zzzzzz...