Well, well, well, the Chinese new year is almost over. How did you spend yours? Mine was like food, FOod, FOOD and plenty of visiting, chit-chatting, catching up with old friends. Of coz not forgetting lots of angpaos, I mean me giving out. ;)
After married ar, the only angpao I got are from hubby, mom, dad, in laws and grandma. I save all of em, hehe...me very thrifty one.
Oh yea, do you still remember the sleepy BB video last year? I have got one of a similar one this year. Bb was like so sleepy while waiting for his daddy to grab him a lion head from Petaling street. Since then, daddy and me was force to be the lion while the lil one bangging on his drum.
Grrr....so tiring. Mommy, stop laughing...Zzzzzz...
Grrr....so tiring. Mommy, stop laughing...Zzzzzz...
so sleepy oledi, but still give such sweet smile, somemore a bit paiseh paiseh... hahaha
I FALL IN LOVE liao... hahaha
You still got ang pau?! Long time I have not got one.
ah ... so cute!