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Anti-smoking sign

What is the use of putting up anti-smoking signs when people in Malaysia don’t border? Often or not the sign is just a decorative item in toilets, restaurants, air-con buildings, public places and etc.

I just couldn’t understand why people still smoke in areas that is labeled NO SMOKING. To them it’s just a sign, no effects at all. Why? Because the owner that put up the signs also never border to stop it’s customers from doing so. Once I was in an air-condition restaurant whereby smoking are not allowed but when I compliant that someone is smoking, guess what the restaurant people say? “We can’t do anything”. WHAT? Then don’t put up the bloody sign. It’s so irritating especially seeing those young girls carrying lighted sticks of ciggy happily chatting away while it burns and leaving ashes on the floor and polluted the entire food court and stair cases in office building. Another one is those advertising aunty that have to light a ciggy when they make their big business. There are signs and messages behind the toilet doors to remind them that smoking is not allowed but who is there to enforce the rules and to stop them from covering the entire toilet with white smokes? There must be thinking what can you do to me if I smoke? Do you think when you call the bomba or the police they will care?

We are just so backwards in all these. How I wish our dear smokers be a little sensitive towards other citizens that doesn’t want to inhale 2nd hand smoke and die of cancer. Malaysia government should seriously look into implementing anti-smoking laws like Singapore and Hong Kong.

My husband is also a smoker but he seems to know my disliking and only smokes at smoking area and not in front of me. However, sometimes I find the after smoking smell is equally unbearable. Is it only me reacting this way? What about you?


etceteramommy said…
I totally agree. But if inconsiderate smokers aren't bad enough.. read this.. I was at this restaurant queing for table la with Ryan. I made it clear x adults, 1 baby. My turn came, the stupid waiter told me smoking area okay ar.*roll eyes* WTF.. gila.
1+2mom said…
I total can stand the smile. Sometime my hubby back from entertaiment(pub or disco), he right away go bath cause he know i dun like the smile and he also dun like (he not smoker).
Anonymous said…
Whenever I smell cigaratte's smoke, I will get headache! And, I am super sensitive to smoke! I can smell the smoke even the smoker is far away from me! I HATE the smell badly! :P
Oscar's Mommy said…
me too. but same like you hubby smokes but very little. he only smoke outside of the house as he also dont want to set bad examples for oscar... hey i ordered the socks la.. read the below post comment ler.. TQ.
ZMM said…
I also cannot stand 2nd hand smoke and the 'ashray' smell of someone's breath after he/she has smoked.

And yes, like you, I don't understand why M'sia bother puting up signs when ppl don't follow. The worse thing is, the ppl who put up the sign not daring to ask those who smoke to adhere to the ruling. Haih, must be too afraid to get bashed up!
geeth said…
I also cannot tahan smoker. As much as I can, I avoid them. I get sick when around them. In a lift, with a person who has just had a smoke, I would try to hold my breath as much as I can!

Haiyah! When have Malaysians bothered to read signs.. even more adhere to it *sigh*
Totally agreed. I think even they see the sign, they will ignore it. They dont care. So inconsiderate LOT!
After smoke smell is equally bad. The smell linger around the finger tips and mouth. Hubby used to be a smoker but he quit few months before we got married. Now, he will avoid walking around smoking area especially when he is holding Claudia.
blinka.Li said…
me like you la. knowing his friends invited him to smoke is also agitating...:(

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