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Sickly weekend

Chinese always believe that before the Chinese New Year, you will either get very lucky or the reverse. I have no idea why, probably all those invisible ones come and collect debt *evil smile*.

Last year around this time, my car tyre punctured for the first time of my 15 years of driving. It was bad! What made it worst was daddy unable to deliver help and I have to solve this all by myself. It was horrendous! As you can tell, I started driving once I got my license. Back then, we did not have any course to teach us how to fix a puncture tyre. Gosh! *Think, think, think* There is a Shell station nearby, so I asked the car washing boss if he could help. I had a little luck left; he dragged his assistance and his tools along to help me fix it. I was so grateful, I offer him money but he refused. I thanked him and feeling a bit uneasy, I made them konnyaku jelly the next day.

As for now, bb and I have caught flu & sore throat for about a week already. For me, I had a few sleepless nights, I couldn’t stand, I pay a visit to the Damansara Specialist hospital as major GP clinic were closed yesterday. It was a long wait and daddy had to fork out RM97 just for a short visit and a couple of Clarinase, Panadol for me, and flu syrup for bb. Thought I could have a rest after that. No, No, No. Daddy wants us to accompany him for shopping. Can you believe it? I was like half dead with my red eyes, nose and big belly, shop from 3+ to about 9 at night. Phew!!! I am gonna give daddy a shopping award. Usually it’s the woman that shops like crazy, in my case, it’s the reverse. I can decide on things I want to buy very quickly but not for daddy. He can take half and hour digging for cloths he wanted and later left empty handed. While waiting for him, bb has already taken a few rides, I have bought a swim goggles. Hmm…but one thing for sure, he can probably get better things than I can as he is so detail and a little fussy sometimes.

Read from the Star yesterday about an article saying women doesn't know how to sacrifice for their husband nowadays. I think it's not entirely true, there are still women like us around who is willing to cook, clean, wait patiently while husband is shopping, take care of kids and work fulltime. :) We are not dead yet dude!

Back to bb, I have problem feeding medicine to him again. He just refused to take any, I had no choice but watching him sleep with block nose and loud snore. *sakit hati*. I mixed 3ml of the flu syrup in his milk this morning. He observed from far end and realized I took longer to make milk this time and had some weird sound from the syringe, he told me this:" Mommy, u no need to make milk for me, ask kakak make". I used my body to block the medicine and had to hide it after mixing. He looked at the corner where I made milk suspiciously but managed to finish more than half of it. *Hooray!* Hope he could recover soon.


geeth said…
Hey, my tyre also puncture last week.. first time since I started driving more than 12 years ago! What a coincidence..

Luckily I was travelling with my parents and kids. Dad did all the work.. with the little one watching him while he took the tyre out and wanted to help when he put the spare tyre! Real cute..

Do take care.. BB too.
Sasha Tan said…
everyone also sick...CNY weather also like pondan voice today..sore throat kau kau..
etceteramommy said…
Yeah lor.. why so many ppl sick? Dont worry. CNy coming. The health health health and wealth wealth wealth on their way to us.. :P

Take care mummy and BB ya..esp mummy wi lil didi/meimei inside. Btw, boy or girl ar?
Annie Q said…
hope u & BB are getting well now.Do rest more!Adoi!mummy already so sick daddy still want to go shopping oh..must piak piak him already.Take care!
jazzmint said…
aiyo..cant be every year oso so sui...but i got a fren that believes, before the chap goh mei, don't buy shoes, or else will sui the whole u?
Allyfeel said…

Hey, r u feeling better already? Glad to hear from you again.

Parents help fix ur tyre?
You're one lucky girl.

You take care too. I hate Sore throat.

Thank for the best wishes yea.
Abt the sex of baby, I have not ask my gynae yet...will know may be in the next 2 weeks. :)

annie q,
yalor...I am still feeling sick now ler. Can't take those stressfull shopping. Me so "lao yea"

no wor, I never believe in that. I already bought my shoe....kekekeke! :P
blinka.Li said…
darling dear, take a good rest instead of taking panadol since you r having d lil one inside. I was constantly on vit.c n salmon omega while conceived. i remembered i only had mild sore throat once, and again I telan lots of C instead of medicine. Even waking up at nite to suck d C deliberately! Take care!

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