I have been busy at home taking care of the little monkey. He has been very active lately. He used to go to bed around 9:30pm but not anymore. He would jump high and low, one moment throwing his doggie underneath our bed, other times digging the parquet flooring for the broken pieces. Jumping on our bed is another joyous moment.
Once, he took one of my lipstick and there he put on some color to his own lips, I stopped him on time but a little too late to save my earth tone lipstick as he has broken them into two. He also dipped my eye-brow brush in the broken lipstick. *Shake Head*
I must be extra careful; he stuffed his mouth a pack of silicon gel from a drawing kit last night. There I was reluctantly cleaning up ruins left by the restless little one. I am dog-tired! But again energized after a good night sleep and waking up to a little charming angel. Ar.....Life!

bb went under the bed to recover his doggie and refuse to come out.
Once, he took one of my lipstick and there he put on some color to his own lips, I stopped him on time but a little too late to save my earth tone lipstick as he has broken them into two. He also dipped my eye-brow brush in the broken lipstick. *Shake Head*
I must be extra careful; he stuffed his mouth a pack of silicon gel from a drawing kit last night. There I was reluctantly cleaning up ruins left by the restless little one. I am dog-tired! But again energized after a good night sleep and waking up to a little charming angel. Ar.....Life!

bb went under the bed to recover his doggie and refuse to come out.
Looks like he is tooo awake to be getting into bed :)
My boy too tried to play with my lipstick. Nothing happened yet. Didn't want him to follow what his mum did when she was 3. I had used it all over my favourite dress.. So, now, the lipstick is way up high, out of his reach..
BB so cute.
Maria, teach us how to clean (although I don't use lipstick)
ya ya..I told him inside got "mui tan si gui" (the black charcoal creature in Totoro) underneath.
Don't know, u have to share how you clean them with me. I am afraid the little monkey is capable of doing that.
yes, not sure why he is so super active nowadays. He would sleep at around 11pm and wakes up at around 10am the next morning.
I think it's a good idea to put all lipstick way up high.
hehe, since he doesn't want to come out so I asked him to pose lor..:P
In my case yes for bb. He used to sleep at 9 or 9:30pm but now 11 or 11:15pm. But luckily he takes nap in the afternoon and wakes up late in the morning.
Zara's Mama,
Yes, they are cheekier as they get older. Tire but still happy. :)
Already asked maria to share but you don't have to worry what, you don't use lipstick, do u?? :PpP