This morning my neighbour’s maid came over to pass us a CD with photos taken on Sunday. Look at how adorable these little people, bb and the beautiful triplet.
Dear neighbour, if you happened to see your daughters photos in my blog, I hope you don't mind. I really adore them so much... they are so beautiful.
Now, Zara got no chance with BB already.. BB got 3 little princess surrounding him.. :(
the 3 girls are so adorable..
eh, get some tips from their mum, how to get triplets? hehe...
they seem like same age with Bb hor?
Nice shot of BB coupled by the triplets :)
I also wanna know, got secret to get twins / triplets ah?
and three of them also non-identical, tsk tsk tsk...so I bet your neighbour not going to ahve more baby in the future, if she did, she is one brave mommy man...
the middle one look like Jefferene's Yee-Ching.
Love the way bb look in the 2nd picture. When can I date bb ah? Miss him already ler...hhehe the triplets - wow! really salute that mom! they r lovely! :)
I wish I have a girl, too late to start one now,,,
BB also very lucky hoh, got 3 girlfriends hehehe
yup. So do you want to have another one?
zara's mama,
hehehe...aiyoo..surrounding only la not owning him...:PpP
King's wife,
Fatt tat? whao now okla...if when he grows up he 2 time or 3 time other girls...I will faint.
jesslyn, geetha,
they are almost one year apart from bb. they are only 1 and a half years old. Bb so small size hor?
Hehe.. I think they went to see fertility doc la...that's why got triplet.
I will leave it to him la. But my current choice the youngest daughter. she is so sweet. :)
ya...currently three, not sure will increase or not. :)
Haha...I don't think she is that brave la. :) It's definately not easy to handle 3 kids at one go. Eh..I thought so la looking at the pic earlier. :)
next time you come over, you can go and play with them also. :)
eh, no la...never too late. My friend's mother gave birth to her at the age of 38. :) late or not?
Thanks for stopping by. if they really turn out to be lenglui all, whao, I am afraid, my bb will always sneak out from the house to "kao" lui ler. :P
hehe...ya..I want to pinch the 2nd daughter, she is so fat. The father called her "Fatty fatty bom bom" ...hahaha