I had pretty much 2 restless night. Ivan was having serious constipation. This is the first time seeing him crying while doing his poop. Oh poor boy. His cry was not a fake cry or anything near to "Manja". It was a genuine painful cry. My heart ached seeing him suffer like that. Early this morning, I went out to search for a relieve medicine for him. Phew, after taking 2 dosages of 5ml each today. He finally poop in the evening. The heavy feelings in my heart ligthen up instantly. :)
The other day, hubby came home and asked me the following: Hubs: Do you know what animal on earth is the stingiest (Stingy- kiam siap in Hokkien) creature? Me: Err…dun know la…what? Hubs: Dun know meh, think la… Me: Err…still dun know Hubs: It’s horse lor Me: Why eh? Hubs: Because when they run, it sounds like (Kedekut, kedekut, kedekut- Malay) Me: Hahaha! Lidat also can.