I am only three more days to my farewell to this company. Wow! What a shocker. I actually spend my two and a half years in this company. Bravo to me as this is not the type of job that I wanted but the time and pay was good. Therefore, I opted for it initially. Now that I am going to have a second kid and second chance of getting a job that I truly want, I will never look back. Just hope that luck is on my side.
I am feeling tired very easily lately and did not really sleep well due to the huge tummy I have. Baby, mommy cannot wait to see you. You are officially full term today so do come and visit mommy soon if you like. Hah!
The other day, hubby came home and asked me the following: Hubs: Do you know what animal on earth is the stingiest (Stingy- kiam siap in Hokkien) creature? Me: Err…dun know la…what? Hubs: Dun know meh, think la… Me: Err…still dun know Hubs: It’s horse lor Me: Why eh? Hubs: Because when they run, it sounds like (Kedekut, kedekut, kedekut- Malay) Me: Hahaha! Lidat also can.