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YUCK! Oops!!!

As I was sitting in my couch drinking my Jasmine tea in the living room, bb came over, peeked at my tea and he said “YUCK”, waving his hand saying not nice. I told him, yes mommy’s tea, bb don’t like, don’t drink. He only likes Teh susu from Hainannese shop.

After taking a sip, I place my teacup on the table. Bb was wondering around saying yuck yet again. I have 5 minutes to channel hopping before daddy took over for his soccer, channel 81.

A few seconds later…

I saw my tea all over the table; he just poured them out, cup still nicely standing but my tea all gone. I scolded him and make him said sorry, he felt sorry but never cry still very confident and went to play his Thomas & Friends train.

Daddy was watching soccer already, this time I was reading a book and bb still playing his train set.

Few minutes later…

I squeaked loudly at bb, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHY DID YOU DO IT AGAIN? DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO DO IT?” This time, he poured away his daddy’s Coke on the table. *slap forehead*

I “BUA-Ta-Han” liao, smacked his backside hard until he burst into tears. I made him say sorry again, he refused, I smacked again until he said sorry and not to do it again. While crying aloud, the monkey peeped at our reaction and kept wailing at the same time.

I just let him be and ask him to stop. I think he knows he was wrong; he is trying to see how far he can go.

It was quite fun, when he cry lately, I would say “ZIP” with my thumb and index finger moving across my lips. He would stop, if not, I will say, STOP NOW, big boy don’t cry, mommy sayang. I like to watch this, he would instantly gasp as if swallowing his breath from a drastic cry and suddenly he is quiet with tears still flowing down his cheek. Haha! I enjoyed seeing this. Only mommy can make him do that, not daddy, not anyone else. Woo Hoo…, I feel like I am a powerful mother. Hah!

BB, mommy hope you’ve learnt and not to act that naughty again.


Egghead said…
naughty boy... beat beat!
mom2ashley said…
wah...powerfulllll mommy ah!
Jess said…
Bb, mummy show color lor, better behave hor!
lisaOne said…
so, mummy is the disciplinary-huh?
King's wife said…
hmm...really a case of testing the waters for him. wants to see how far he can push it.
Well, someone has got to be the 'bad guy' huh?
Oscar's Mommy said…
hi... i am back. ya, oscar does the same thing as well with his milk. *smack-smack*... and me too, will insist that he says sorry...
jazzmint said…
naughty boy!!! And Mommy enjoy smacking him also eh
oh mine, don't you kids mess with mommy...
very cute Allyfeel
Contented Mum said…
Yea, only mommy have the power to make him cry and stop crying!! :)
blinka.Li said…
aiyoyo, wonder whether that naughty thingy is from daddy or from mummy? :P
geeth said…
Same here.. only I can make him stop the crying even if I didn't give in to him. Daddy on finds his way by giving in *slap head*

Makes it difficult for me in terms of diciplining!
ZMM said…
BB yai yai let mummy beat beat huh??

Once a while, they do try to see how far they can go..
Twin said…
yeah sometimes i do feel angry when my kids does that!!!! Grr ... on fire!!

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