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He threw tantrum

The weather these days reminded me of winter time in foreign land. It’s a little cold and depress in the morning but after a steamy hot shower, everything seems fine. It washes away the dead cells; rejuvenating the flaky dry skin with moisturizing crème, bringing back pleasant appearance to life. It's easy to deal with lousy appearance but...

Dealing with BB’s tantrum, what can I do to make him stop tumbling his feet and crying demandingly? I wonder was I like that when I was little? BB will cry for things he wants if we refuse to give him. I think he has tumbled his feet 5 times in total, turning in circle 2 times, sticking his face on a glass drawer 1 time, crying furiously 7 times, laying on the floor slamming his palm 2 times. He was definitely testing our patience. If we give in, he will be ok in minutes wiping his tears away on our shirt and continued playing with what he has achieved. There were this instant, he was perfectly ok eating his fish stripe snack but the moment he saw me, he quickly threw out the entire fish stripe from the packet to the carpet and couch. “BB, don’t do that, STOP”. Beat, Beat beat his backside 3 times. He pretended to cry to protest; he gave me a cheeky stare.

GOSH!!! What can I do??? Tired and worn out. *BB, mommy is going to make you pay for my agony when you grow up *


Sue said…
They like to test our reaction, see when they can get away with things... my son's better behaved around his dad, and he knows he can bully mummy, coz mummy also quite lousy, easy to give in to his whims...
mom2ashley said…
oh cute though!
Anonymous said…
try this out the next time he did it again: dont talk to him, just pick up whatever he threw on the floor. Refuse talking to him ( or even looking )...hehe maybe he will come back n say sorry lo...
King's wife said…
they are always testing us to see how far they can go.....
ZMM said…
With Zara, she'll bully her kakak (maid), with me, I just give her the stare, and said "you naughty, mummy beat beat". Normally, she'll tone down, but sometimes she'll still try to push further to see if I will really carry out what I said I would..

They are very smart aren't they?

Next time when BB is older, you can make him pay by giving you hefty allowances.. kekeke
Allyfeel said…
Sue, I must agree with you that they test and bully us most of the time. We got to be firm man!!!

mom2ashley, cute only if he is less hiper and naughty. :P

ah-li, how I wish, he will probably flee the crime scene and on his way making another.

King's wife, yaya...and I think I am gonna ignore him.

Zara's mama,yup, they are getting smarter and smarter each day. kekekeke, I thought so too. Don't care, he must give me loads of allowances!!! :D
k*a said…
i dun have a son/a child yet...

but when i was caring for my nephew and niece when they are little, i just pretend to ignore them when they throw tantrum. Then I speak to them like adult, asking them what they want to achieve. Sometimes, I start asking them to do adult thing, and they kinda feel empowered. Surprisingly, they stop and think and then no more tantrum.

But now, they are so big, they have minds of their own. Cannot do tricks on them anymore. They know all my tricks by now
Allyfeel said…
Thanks for the tips crazie*angel, I talked to him nicely every time he show tantrum, I guess he is still learning.

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