Before pregnant, everything seems perfect.
After pregnant, I lost count of the time I puked. I even cried after it. My pants are tight, I love to eat starchy food, cold and sweet soft drink, anything that is sweet - "yuck"!!!
My face and hair are so oily. I think I smell. I can't stand strong perfume. I feel lousy. I go to the loo so often and the loo stinks big time. I don't eat well. I have constipation. I can't listen to music. I feel sick all the time. Oh sunshine! Where are you?
Do you still remember that day i said i felt very ill? See, now i am getting better and have my appetite back!
And the bump will look prettier.
Hang on there.
Zara's mama
Hahaha...yaya, the public and office toilet not my home one. :)
Ya...I will, thanks!
yawor...somemore got mood to shoot people ’偷情‘ in the park...LOL!
annie q,
Thank you!
Oscar's mommy,
mommy of two angels,
I think second one a bit more "sun fu" ler. Hair more oily, I just cut my hair short. Breast bigger a bit la but tummy also bigger then b4. Last time I can hide tummy till 5 months but now it is obvious edi.
Thanks, I will remind myself that.
Zara's mama,
Haha, bump nicer? u mean shinier and rounder?...LOL!
VERY soon, the susah time will be over... *cross fingers*
think of the cutie pie when (s)he comes along, instead of the suffering now.... :D
take care, cheer up.