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看着身边的人一个比一个的有成就,我有点沮丧。沮丧自己一无所有,没有“名” ,没有“利“。后再想深一层,有名有利会一定开心吗?虽然我没名没利,庆幸还有BB 和嗲地的陪伴。

“人” 是非常复杂的动物,真不容易做。你有同感吗?
我真的要好好磨炼一下 ”心不随境转“ 的功夫呀!

My first attempt writing Chinese. Sorry ler, no translation available. Have a good day. I will be back soon.


Anonymous said…

嘻嘻嘻...重出江湖谈何容易?我打电话去问,人家一听到有孩子就连面试都不用了!:(。还是安心在家打工的好 :P.
Egghead said…
如果人不复杂的话, 那我们干脆领养机器人好了 :P
做人只要快乐就好, 名利又带不下棺材的, 是不是? :)

我也在期望可以退休的一天 :(
Allyfeel said…

感谢你的提醒。 我不要被人气死, 我要长命百岁。 嘻嘻!:)


可以啦!等你满头白发不就可退休罗。 :)
King's wife said…
Aiyak..sorry I have to break the chain, writing in Engrish.
**blur** but u have a good day too!! :)
P/S : the face any better?
1+2mom said…
妳还要什么?? 哈哈!! 没有多少女人像妳这么有成就啰!!
Anonymous said…
Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog as I always wonder would anyone else read it (except people I know).

I agree with you that human are complicated animal, always contradict oneself. But at least you have a nice family and a lovely child. Well, I always believe that when the time has come, you will know what you have to do next. So don't rush and don't feel so disappointed - 随缘 ba!

Good luck!
Allyfeel said…
King's wife,

Ya, much better I guess. I started putting no. 5 even at night. It looks better now. Thanks!

喂喂!我看你比交有成就哩,你有三个“利”。 哈哈哈!


Hello, thanks for stopping by. Hey, you too have a lovely family.
随缘 - I like. Thanks! :)
Oscar's Mommy said…
hi, what happened to you? you ok? take care and keep up dating... take it easy ok
blinka.Li said…
you got me too! 平淡就是福。名利带不走。健康快乐充实更重要。
ZMM said…
Never mind la.. as long as happy and healthy enough loh..

I also feel after becoming a mum, things I want for myself is lessened.. as long as she's strong and healthy.. the rest is not important.
LHS said…
心不随境转,such a meaningful phrase that i should learn too.


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