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Calling to stop the 22 years of persecution of Falun Dafa

I am sure many of you have travelled to many giant Buddha site before. You may have paid respect to those Buddha statues by bowing or gifting incense. 

I usually look at what kind of gesture the Buddha statues are in. Obviously, in various meditation positions. But then again, not many people are aware of how meditation positions look like. 

So, let’s analyze what are the differences between Buddhist monks and Falun Dafa practitioners. 

Picture 1

1. An iconic sight in Japan, the Great Buddha of Kamakura Daibutsu dates back to 13th century. Look at how the Great Buddha seated with cross leg and both hands in Jia Yin 结印 position. 

Now, look at the Buddhist monk and Falun Dafa practitioners in this basic meditation position. All look identical, right? You can see in fact Falun Dafa practitioners sit in a beautiful full lotus position. See picture 1. 

Picture 2

2. Tian Tan Buddha Amoghasiddhi in Ngong Ping, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. I love this place! 💕 One of the sitting meditation exercises in Falun Dafa is identical with this giant Buddha’s gesture.  See picture 2. 

So, there is no difference from monks and buddhas seeking the path to enlightenment. Except Dafa practitioners are practicing in the society without being monks or nuns.  They take the spiritual path following the principles of Truthfullness, Compassion and Tolerance. 

Today is 7.20.  Calling to stop the 22 years of persecution. A day in 1999, the spiritual practice was target in China for their popularity. Anyone who dares to oppose, awaiting them are countless beating, detention, torture, harassment, forced labor, and organ harvesting. See How Did 100 Million People Become Targets?

Understand the truth and stand up for what’s right. Sign the petition to help STOP Organ harvesting.

#gordonramsay tried meditation to tame his notorious temper but he can’t sit still for even 5 minutes. 

It’s a norm for Falun Dafa practitioners to sit in meditation for 1 hour. 

If you think it’s easy, I challenge you to sit with your leg crossing in full lotus position. You will probably cry in pain in 10 minutes. Let me know after you done trying. 😅


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