A friend of my told me that her daughter would not drink breastmilk from bottle. She would rather cry and wait for the mother to come back from work and drink direct from the mother's breast. Gosh! Poor baby. Luckily Adel is okay with bottle. I was told by my confinement lady to let her also get use to bottle since young (new born) or else next time she won't want any bottle when I am not around. Phew! Counting my lucky stars.
The other day, hubby came home and asked me the following: Hubs: Do you know what animal on earth is the stingiest (Stingy- kiam siap in Hokkien) creature? Me: Err…dun know la…what? Hubs: Dun know meh, think la… Me: Err…still dun know Hubs: It’s horse lor Me: Why eh? Hubs: Because when they run, it sounds like (Kedekut, kedekut, kedekut- Malay) Me: Hahaha! Lidat also can.