As I am typing this article with my right hand, my left hand is carrying my new born girl. She had been cranky this whole day and night. crying at every little disturbance. She must be extrmely uncomfortable fighting with the flu bugs. I am up to my neck edi. I am not sure if I could survive another month. what's next after this month? I am thinking hard now.
The other day, hubby came home and asked me the following: Hubs: Do you know what animal on earth is the stingiest (Stingy- kiam siap in Hokkien) creature? Me: Err…dun know la…what? Hubs: Dun know meh, think la… Me: Err…still dun know Hubs: It’s horse lor Me: Why eh? Hubs: Because when they run, it sounds like (Kedekut, kedekut, kedekut- Malay) Me: Hahaha! Lidat also can.