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Showing posts from September, 2015

Is Falun Gong a Cult?

When you ask me why Falun Gong is good; I have no idea how to tell you because you talk and retaliate too fast, I can’t cope up with your argument. First of all, if you were a fair person, you would want to find out the truth about things, you would have wanted to listen to 2 sides of a story, similar to solving conflicts at work. The conflict between colleagues A and B, you would want to hear the reasons from both sides before you unfairly decide on things. You only search for the bad side of Falun Gong story to hear and refuse to accept there are millions of good reasons why people practice Falun Gong. Have you read them? Have you truly hear them? The fact is you only see a fraction here and there that it’s been made popularize in 1992, but it doesn’t mean it existed in that year. Qi Gong let ordinary human being cultivate to have a healthy mind and body. It was rooted deep in the ancient Chinese Culture more than 5000 years ago. So what was Qi Gong called before the Chinese...